Lucio Luiz was born in Rio de Janeiro on July 14, 1978. He graduated in Journalism from Gama Filho University in 1998. He also holds a Master’s and PhD in Education from Estácio de Sá University, respectively in 2009 and 2018, in addition to specialization in Marketing and in Publishing Management, both from Fundação Getulio Vargas.

He began his career as a press officer and producer for institutional newspapers and magazines.

In 2008, he co-founded the Papo de Gordo portal, focused on health and well-being. He also works on the podcast of the same name, linked to the portal, aimed at developing overweight people’s self-esteem, especially fighting fatphobia.

He is also a comic book writer, having won the Angelo Agostini Award in 2014 for his work in the children’s comic book Meninos e Dragões, then published by Editora Abril.

In 2013, he founded Marsupial Editora, which is mainly focused on publishing theoretical books on Communication and Education, as well as graphic novels and comics in general.

Currently, he also works as an academic researcher, focusing mainly on topics related to participatory culture, podcasting, comics and education.

Meninos e Dragões volume 1
A Mamãe Tamanduá
Professores Protagonistas