Lucio Luiz is the author of children’s books, short stories and chronicles, as well as a few other little things here and there. 😅
The oldest short stories and chronicles are being published little by little in the “Literature” section of the blog (only in Portuguese).

Books written by me:

A Mamãe Tamanduá
Illustrations by PriWi
Marsupial Editora, 2015
ISBN 978-85-66293-38-8

Palavras, Palabras
Illustrations by Bianca Pinheiro
Marsupial Editora, 2015
ISBN 978-85-66293-40-1

Amor, Escatologia e Etcetera
Prestígio, 2011 (2nd edition)
ISBN 978-85-7748-085-2

Amor, Escatologia e Etcetera
Independent, 2002 (1st edition)
ISBN 85-902653-1-5
Books organized by me:

Papo de Gordo: o blog que virou livro
Blogbooks, 2011
ISBN 978-85-62962-34-9

Hyperfan: cinco anos de fanfic
Hyperfan, 2006
Complete bibliography (to know and buy 😉):