Lucio Luiz develops academic research mainly on comics, participatory culture, podcasting and education. He was one of the first Brazilian researchers to write articles on participatory culture, at a time when Henry Jenkins’ books had not yet been translated in Brazil.

Lucio has PhD in Education and is also a member of Associação de Pesquisadores em Arte Sequencial (ASPAS), Comics Studies Society (CSS) and Canadian Society for the Study of Comics (CSSC).

Professores Protagonistas: os quadrinhos em sala de aula na visão dos docentes


2018 – PhD in Eucations / Universidade Estácio de Sá

2013 – Specialization in Publishing Management / Fundação Getulio Vargas

2009 – Master in Education / Universidade Estácio de Sá

2001 – MBA in Marketing / Fundação Getulio Vargas

1997 – Graduation in Social Communication with a major in Journalism / Universidade Gama Filho

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Books written by me:

Books organized by me:

Reflexões Sobre o Podcast

Reflexões Sobre o Podcast
Marsupial Editora, 2014
ISBN 978-85-66293-06-7

Books I participated in with a chapter:

My main academic articles you can find on the sites below:

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